
You have secrets, some of them needs to be shared - how do you get them to the people that need them?

Well, seekrat can help you!

user@machine ~ % curl -X PUT -d "super secret data"
user@different-machine ~ % curl\?storageKey=cf64l3manmbqfhfd7ei0\&clientKey=a5e2cb9178f4dfb6e41b3744180af739 -o data
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100    17  100    17    0     0     83      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--    88
user@different-machine ~ % cat data                                                                                                                 
super secret data%

It doesn’t have to be any harder to share secret or sensitive information… You can read more information about what seekrat is, its features and limits and who operates it at the about page.

Use case

Seekrat was developed for a single use case: sharing information, limited in size, securely and effectively with a very limited audience.

Suppose you need to share a new set of credentials for a service, instead of emailing the credentials, or sending the credentials via some Instant Messaging application, you would instead send it to seekrat. Seekrat will encrypt the credentials, store them, and provide you with the information needed to retrieve them. Now you send a link to seekrat via email or Instant Messaging.

Once the credentials have been downloaded, it is irrevocably deleted from seekrat.

You IT Administrator, your Information Security department and your spouse* will thank you for not sending cleartext credentials via email or Instant Messaging systems!

*this I really cannot promise…


It’s called seekrat, because its… secret…

API documentation